
Sometimes it is hard to obtain a list of the things that can go wrong after or during surgery, though best practice dictates that patients should be provided with full information in order that they may give informed consent to the intervention – it occurs to Coco that perhaps the insurance standard of the utmost good faith should be applied to the contract – but at the ITALF 2024 conference held in the auditorium at the Atheneum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum in Rome we were presented with such a list,

Trattamento riabilitativo termine e getione dei problemi: E Fiengo, Pomezia, RM

Incompleta risoluzione del dolore
Dipendenza dall’indumento compressivo
Parestasie, ipoestasie, iperestasie, e compressioni nervose
Discromie e disturbi circulatori distrettuali
Linfedema secondario
Edema e fibrosi post-operatoria
Cicatrici e alterazioni fasciali
Lipedema regrowth

ITALF 2024 at APRA, Rome. Presentation by E Fiengo, Pomezia

It goes without saying that the list itself is ‘incompleta’ and there are other perhaps much more serious risks which are not listed here, but which are not directly related to the problem which the surgery is attempting to solve, but it is good to hear an acknowledgment that some of the outcomes may be considered to be a complete failure of the surgery itself, for the final condition of the patient will be worse than at the beginning. Surely it is not inappropriate that the words of our Lord may be paraphrased about them:

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves. Matthew 23:15

Coco leaves it as an exercise for the reader to produce a suitable paraphrase. Please leave it in the comments should you think it apt.

Incomplete resolution of pain
Compression garment dependence
Parastasia, hypostasia, hyperastasia, and nerve compression
Dischromia and district circulatory disorders
Secondary lymphedema
Postoperative edema and fibrosis
Scars and fascial alterations
Lipedema regrowth

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