Maisie 24 November 2025 – 29 December 2024
- Funeral service Tuesday, 11 February, 2025, 1030GMT link East Hill Baptist Church [see below for instructions if you need them. No login in required, but you must identify yourself.]
- Committal link Tuesday, 11 February, 2025, 1210GMT link: East Chapel East Chapel, Roehampton Crematorium , UserName: yami6838 Password: 415731
Recordings of the services are available on these links. - Documents and tributes:
The funeral service and committal – here
Daughter-in-law – here
Eldest granddaughter – here
Eldest son – here

A pdf copy of the funeral service is available here.

The music from Siegfried and Götterdämmerung is my choice. It was not hers.
Who was Maisie? Follow this link for a brief family history.
Whilst this is not the place for personal blogging, some of you will want to know of, and a few of you will have met my mother I thought I should say something here. When Abraham was living in Mamre1 near the Dead Sea, three men visited him. He welcomed them and they honoured him by eating with him. Two of them walked on. One remained behind to speak with Abraham about the reasons for their visit. My mother attained ninety-nine years in November, and on Sunday past whilst we waited by her bed-side, two such men visited her. The District Nurse had not long left. We did not see them, nor hear their footsteps, but she left the house with them to be taken to her eternal home. Though we did not see them come or go, they left her body without breath, so that we would know they had been.
The One who remained to speak with Abraham later said: In my Father’s house are many rooms. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you, I shall return to take you to myself.2

She was a good mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt and great-aunt to many as well as a friend. We thank God for her many years, and for giving her grace to persevere in weakness, illness and pain in her last days.
The funeral service took place at East Hill Baptist Church conducted by Joe Long, pastor and neighbour for many years, followed by a committal at Roehampton Vale.
For further information, please raise a question in the comments below. Comments are private until I approve them. If you wish your comment to remain private, please say so.
Donations, please, if in lieu of flowers, should be made to the Royal Trinity Hospice, who provided care at home for her in her last weeks, or to OxFam. We thank those who have already made donations.
The information below is now redundant and retained here only for record – Go to comments
Further information about the funeral arrangements were available from Ernest Larner, Funeral Directors. A QR code for use with your smart-phone is below.
To join the funeral service at East Hill Baptist Church, follow this link: Funeral service. Ignore the instructions on that page, unless you already have Zoom installed and are familiar with it. Instead do this:
- Follow on that page the link Click Here (you may follow this link rather than the Funeral Service link above if you wish).
- This opens the Zoom web page in your browser or on your smart phone etc
- You are offered the opportunity to download the Zoom Workplace app to your device. You do not have to do this.
- Follow the link Launch Meeting
- If you have installed the Zoom Workplace app, the service will open in the app. If you have not move on to the next step.
- A new link should appear on the screen:
- Having issues with the Zoom Workplace app? Join from your browser
- Follow the link Join from your browser
- You may see a message ‘Joining the meeting’ then you will be presented with the introduction screen. Please enter your name (this is important), and choose whether to allow Zoom to use your camera and microphone. You do not have to allow Zoom to use them, you will be able to see and hear what is going on anyway. If you do, the host, and other participants may be able to see and hear you. Normally your microphone will be muted by the administrators.
- Follow the link Join the meeting
- The host will admit you to the service.
We recommend that you join the service early, to allow time for anything that might go wrong; your device may decide that it needs an update and keep you waiting several minutes; you may have other connection issues; and to allow time for the host to admit you to the service.
Please note that this link presently connects you to the morning service at East Hill. The service starts at 1030 GMT each Sunday. You may want to connect to that before the funeral service if you wish to familiarise yourself with the set up. The link will be updated if necessary on the morning of the funeral service.
Instructions for joining the committal will be added when they become available.

Ernest Larner Funeral Directors
Dignity Funerals
Comments below