In the eyes of the ARC and others It is impossible to get it right. If you choose the image of a white man you can be accused of racial bias, if you choose the image of a black man you can be accused of racial bias. If you choose the image of an oriental you can be accused of bias even if the image is of the person you are actually representing. What are we to choose when we want to depict a man doing something? Coco was going to suggest that we use a monkey instead, but then, if the experience of Hartlepool is anything to go by, we shall only end up annoying the French even more than they are already. I suppose someone will consider that to be racist too. Hey-ho, Boney was a warrye, way, aye, yah. A warrye and terrye, John France, wah!
But at the end of the day who got the best job?
With thanks to Wikipedia (and the East India Company 1832).
Was the artist our friend James Gilray – but it lacks colour?

Original article at this cleverly disguised URN [] sorry for black drug dealer image in appeal leaflet: They said it accepted it used a poor choice of image in the leaflet.
One wonders what choice of image would have been acceptable.